Tammy has been practicing the art of Massage Therapy since graduating in 2002 from ICT Northumberland College Halifax. She has worked in several multidisciplinary clinics treating clients with a variety of techniques including, Myofascial Release, Swedish Massage techniques, Trigger Point Therapy; and has had much experience treating sports related injuries, motor vehicle injuries, overuse syndromes, as well as light touch and relaxation massage. She is trained in Graston Technique, Neurological Inhibition, has taken courses for TMJ dysfunction, and recent adventures are leading her to seek out Reiki courses this Spring (2019).

Tammy has an enthusiasm for health and believes that a holistic approach to wellness is necessary for the body to thrive and survive in its best from. With her knowledge you can be sure to receive many helpful holistic lifestyle tips during your massage treatment. Tammy’s ultimate goal is to help empower you to improve your health and wellbeing and by doing so becoming the best version of yourself.